Social Media Management for Outdoor Brands and Content Creators

Outdoor brands - hunting, fishing, shooting, hiking, and content creators - ALL have a unique challenge when navigating social media.  It takes one to know one which is why we focus on the outdoor industry.

Nothing can kill a brand's social credit faster than an inauthentic message.  Hiring a social media manager who understands the outdoor industry is critical!

Social Media Growth

While every account has their own ability to grow based on their niche and what content they're willing to post and capable of producing - nobody can maximize your social media growth like Good Bull.

Multi-Channel Posting

Instagram and Facebook are the staples of our social media work but we're also well versed in TikTok, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Metrics Driven

Your business doesn't grow in a vacuum. Whether you're new and looking to build your empire or established and looking to maintain or expand market share - Good Bull will measure you against the market so you know how your performance is compared to the competition.



Amount Good Bull is growing clients more than the outdoor industry average account.
Calendar Year 2023

866 vs 35

Average follower growth for Good Bull managed accounts vs the industry average - per 1,000 followers.
Calendar Year 2023

0 to 24,696

Followers growth for a Good Bull managed account from start to the first 6 months of management.
Dec 22 to May 23


Top client follower growth in a single month for one managed account.
May 2023


Impressions in one month for a Good Bull managed account.
Nov 2022


The follower growth for Good Bull managed accounts vs the industry.
Calendar Year 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

Facebook and Instagram Organic Social Media Management with daily posts in both photo and video formats with optimized hashtag strategies.
YouTube posting, caption creation, and tagging optimization.
Twitter (X), TikTok, YouTube and LinkedIn posting as an add-on to IG and FB posting.

What do you specialize in?

We are focused on growing outdoor industry brands and outdoor industry content creators however we've been very successful growing accounts in several industries including real estate and the music industry.  Our method of analysis and comparison is universal in nature so it can be easily translated to other brands/industries.

What is the commitment?

We require a 6 month commitment - after that we can go month-to-month or sign a 1 year agreement for a discounted monthly rate.

What makes Good Bull different?

Accuracy, consistency, and experience.  We're constantly testing and adjusting our posting so we can take advantage of the multitude of changes happening in social media. We don't just post static images once per day and call it good.  We were early adopters of video and as a result we've had accounts grow by more than 300k followers in a single year!

How do your rates compare to the competition?

You're being billed for just the time it takes for a social media expert in the outdoor industry to manage just your account.  That means you aren't paying for health insurance, retirement accounts, unemployment insurance, workers comp, and many other expenses that you'd be paying for a full time employee.  That means you're getting an expert for a fraction of the cost!

Compared to other social media management companies our rates have always been highly competitive.  We know others in the outdoor industry charge $3k to $5k a month just for IG, FB, and LI posting without any of the extra services we provide.  There are also companies who charge less however keep in mind we're beating the average industry growth rate by more than 2,800%. Are they?


We can easily customize a package specific for your business.

Base Plan


Billed Monthly

FB & IG 5-7x Per Week
Caption Copywriting Schedule Optimizing Hashtag Optimizing Quarterly Metrics Competitor Tracking

Brand Growth


Billed Monthly

FB & IG 10x+ Per Week
Caption Copywriting
Schedule Optimizing
Hashtag Optimizing
Monthly Metrics
Competitor Tracking

Brand Management


Billed Monthly

Brand Growth Plan
- Plus -
Comment Mgmt
Story Management
YouTube Shorts 5/Wk
Monthly Strategy Mtg



Billed Monthly

Weekly Scheduling
1 Video, 3 Shorts
Caption Copywriting
Tag Optimization



Billed Monthly

5-7x Per Week Caption Copywriting
Music Selection



Billed Monthly

5x Per Week Caption Copywriting



Billed Monthly

5x Per Week Caption Copywriting

Post Content Creation


See Our Content Page

Successful posting on social requires good content (and video specifically). Head to our content page to learn more.

The Outdoor Industry...

... is comprised of content creators, archery companies, firearm companies, pack companies, knife companies, retail stores, optics companies, apparel, and more.

No other social media management company we're aware of has long term growth data for the outdoor industry to compare and project performance against.  At Good Bull we've been tracking the numbers since 2021 and they're in this chart.  Each year the growth rate for outdoor industry accounts keeps going down. 

Good Bull managed accounts however - on average - have produced much higher growth than the industry average.  2,481.0% higher in 2023 and 1,235.4% higher for 2022.  We don't just say we're better - we have prove it!

Get In Touch